Letter to Gail Asper, CMHR, re Conservatives Blocking Bill C-254 Bill C-254 an Act to Add Women to Hate Propaganda Law Court Challenges Refuses to Fund Challenge Exclusion of Women from Hate Law OPP News Release November 2007.pdf Canadian Protests Against Elephant Man's Let's Get Physical Tour Misogynist movie: Captivity Jim Flaherty Asked Again to Honour His Promise Tories Asked to Amend Hate Law to Include Women Information on HMV Hate Rap Complaint Articles on Donald Smith Case Why Aren't We Shocked? Foreign Entertainers Must Sign Anti-Hate Declaration Homophobia Bad - Sexism Good in Music Biz Misogynist Grafitti on TTC Hate Rock Prosecuted in Canada Hate Rap Bands Receive Warning in France Canadians Urged to File HR Complaints re Pimp Products Paul Martin Charter Champion? Oh, Puleeze.pdf Appeal to Attorney General Bryant She Was Asking for It Death Threat Not Art MPs Extend Hate Crime Protection Letter to Jack Layton re Equality Victory.pdf Letter to Jack Layton re Bill C-250 Letter from Svend Robinson re Bill C-250.pdf Excuses From Justice Minister Anne McLellan Excuses From Justice Minister Martin Cauchon Canadian Criminal Code Beenie Man Cancelled in Ontario EGALE Press Release re Sizzla SCC Orders New Hate Crimes Trial EMINEM SECTION
hate propaganda
In Canada, the Criminal Code hate propaganda law
provides protection to"identifiable groups" distinguished by
colour, race, religion, ethnic origin and sexual orientation. "Gender" is
included and so women and girls have no protection from hate
propaganda. The federal government refuses to amend the law to
include gender, although in 2003 it passed a Private Member's Bill (Bill
C-250) adding "sexual orientation". While this Bill was
going through public hearings and review, neither politicians in the
House of Commons nor members of the Senate amended the law to include
women. This section contains information relating to that
discriminatory and unconstitutional situation.
At the left is a picture of
misogynist rapper, Eminem, as he appeared on stage at Toronto's Sky
Dome, despite my efforts to have him prevented from performing.
Check out the Eminem section for more info on
this and other issues involving this performer.
(More on violent rap can be found in the Music section.)